Hywel in Parliament - Written Questions


30th November 2007

Dr. Francis: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions she has had recently with the Chinese Ambassador on strengthening commercial, cultural and educational links between the United Kingdom and the People's Republic of China; and if she will make a statement. [105949]

Mr. McCartney: We are pursuing an active dialogue with China across Government, both at ministerial and official level. Strengthening commercial, cultural and educational links are important strands of the comprehensive strategic partnership my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister and Premier Wen Jiabao agreed in 2004.

Peter Ricketts, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's Permanent Under-Secretary, most recently discussed bilateral relations with the Chinese ambassador on 8 November. Both sides welcomed the growing breadth and depth of the bilateral relationship, noting the annual increase in bilateral trade flows, the rich programme of cultural activity and growth in exchanges involving young people. They agreed that our shared Olympics responsibilities and Shanghai Expo 2010 provided excellent opportunities to expand bilateral co-operation further.


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