Written Question: Suicide: Young People
26th March 2008
Dr. Francis: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what recent discussions he has had with appropriate agencies on suicides amongst young people; and if he will make a statement; [196525] (2) whether the subject of assistance to suicide prevention amongst young people was on the agenda of recent Ministerial level meetings with the Welsh Assembly Government; whether any cross-border services are envisaged; and if he will make a statement. [196783]
Mr. Ivan Lewis: There have been no discussions with appropriate agencies nor have discussions taken place at ministerial level with the Welsh Assembly Government about suicides among young people. Officials responsible for implementing the National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England continue to engage with relevant agencies and organisations in considering appropriate measures to take to reduce the risk of suicide among the general population, including young people. In addition, the Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisory Group, chaired by Professor Louis Appleby, meets twice yearly and provides leadership, expert advice and guidance on implementation of the suicide prevention strategy. Membership of this group includes researchers and representatives of Samaritans and PAPYRUS, an organisation committed to the prevention of young suicide.
In addition, the five nations, representing England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and Republic of Ireland, have established a suicide prevention strategies coordinating group to share information, research and evidence on suicide prevention actions among the five nations. This group meets on a regular basis.