Press Release

MP Lobbies Ministers on Biomass Plant

12th July 2008

Aberavon MP Dr Hywel Francis has been lobbying Government Ministers in London over the last two months over local concerns relating to the Biomass Plant in Port Talbot.

Dr Francis said,

'I have written to Government Ministers about the proposed Biomass Plant in Port Talbot and conveyed the very strongly held views of local residents particularly in relation to health and safety issues.

The new Department of Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, which succeeds the DTI, is responsible for Energy. The new Energy Minister, Malcolm Wicks, has written to inform me that any resident wishing to add to the representations already made should do so as soon as possible.'

Dr Francis added,

'I urge everyone who has not already expressed their views on this matter to write to me immediately at my constituency office, Eagle House, 2 Talbot Road, Port Talbot SA13 1DH and I will ensure that these views are conveyed to the Secretary of State.

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