Press Release

Local MP Supports Christmas Saving Scheme

19th November 2007

Aberavon MP, Dr Hywel Francis, has welcomed a new Christmas Club, which is being launched by the Post Office following last year's collapse of Farepak and the HM Treasury's Christmas Saving Scheme Review.

The new saving club will offer a secure and convenient way to save for Christmas 2008, and features additional membership rewards that will increase savers' spending power.

Customers will be able to start saving at any of the Post Office's 14000 branches from January next year. Savers will be issued with a Christmas Club card which they can use to make deposits over the counter. Funds will be locked away until 1st November 2008, when the card can then be used as a prepaid debit card with retailers signed up to the scheme, or exchanged for gift vouchers at Post Office branches.

Dr Francis said,

"I am delighted to support this saving scheme which will offer people a safe and convenient way to save for the extra expense that Christmas brings. It is an additional scheme alongside the excellent credit unions which we have locally and which I also support."

"Anyone wishing to have further information about the new scheme can get it from my Constituency Office, Eagle House, 2 Talbot Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1DH, or by ringing 01639 897660."

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