Press Release

MP welcomes new deal for carers in England, and urges Wales to follow

22nd February 2007

Dr Hywel Francis MP today welcomed a multi-million pound package of support for carers unveiled today by Ivan Lewis, Minister for Care Services in England and called on the Welsh Assembly Government to follow England's lead.

The Government's New Deal for Carers in England includes a range of measures designed to recognise the essential work that carers carry out across the country, including:

  • £25 million to be spent on providing short-term home based respite care for carers in crisis or emergency situations in every council;
  • £3 million towards the establishment of a national helpline for carers;
  • a wide ranging review of the 1999 national carers strategy;
  • £5 million to support the development of an experts carers programme.

Dr Hywel Francis MP said

"Millions of people in this country are hidden heroes who keep families together through their support and devotion. The carers in my constituency of Aberavon often provide care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, taking on that precious role that enables a friend or family member to stay at home and live with the dignity, independence and security the rest of us take for granted. Carers are so important for our community.

"This army of carers who are dedicated to their families do not want to give away their responsibilities. Equally, they want Government and local services on their side ensuring the necessary care and support is available to maintain their family's quality of life. This is why I am delighted that the government is taking action to really help improve their lives.

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown said:

"Every one of the carers I have met is an inspiration and refutes a wide spread cynicism that in today's society selfishness matters more than service to others. And having listened to their stories and the challenges they face, I know we must and will do more in the years to come to help. That is why today we are announcing the most far-reaching national consultation ever on the future of carers, to encourage the fullest engagement of the very people who would benefit most."


1. The New Deal for Carers [in England] was outlined in the Our Health, Our Care, Our Say White Paper launched in January.

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