Press Release

MP Calls for Wider Clean Air Campaign

23rd November 2007

Aberavon MP, Dr Hywel Francis, has praised community campaigners and local councillors for the way they conducted the recent Biomass campaign. He has urged the local council, employers, the Environment Agency, the Fire and Rescue Services, community groups and all residents to work together to improve local air quality.

Dr Francis said,

"Whilst I share the disappointment of many of my constituents concerning the Biomass plant approval, we must now learn from the experiences of the campaign and ensure that the greater sense of civic pride and desire for air quality improvement must not be lost."

"Local campaigners believe that some stringent conditions including air quality monitoring and waste disposal have been imposed by the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, and this is to be welcomed."

"I have met with local councillors and leaders of the local campaign this morning and we were of one view in wanting to ensure that a broad campaign continues to improve local air quality."

"There are still very important health and air pollution monitoring issues which need addressing and I have undertaken to meet with Government Ministers, senior Prenergy officials and the Environment Agency to discuss this as a matter of urgency."

"The campaign has achieved something unique: it has brought together people of different backgrounds united in a pride in their community and a desire to improve it."

Dr Francis added,

"I have also discussed local concerns with senior officials of the Biomass company, Prenergy, and they have assured me that they wish not only to be good neighbours but good partners with the local community. I hope that outlook can be strengthened and extended to other industrialists and agencies in and around the town."

"It is my intention to call a meeting very soon to discuss how we take forward the positive developments of recent months in relation to growing concerns to improve the air quality of the town."

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