Press Release

MP thanked for Thalidomide Victory

3rd March 2010

Aberavon MP Dr Hywel Francis has been thanked for his part in the successful campaign by the Thalidomide Trust to achieve proper compensation from the Government.

Dr Francis said,

‘I have been involved for some time in the campaign to get justice for the British Thalidomide survivors. I was delighted that our Government awarded a £20m support package for a three year period. It will enable many thalidomiders to afford the adaptations that they so desperately need to avoid further damage to their bodies. I expect this ‘pilot’ will be made permanent for the lifetime of thalidomide survivors in the UK.’

‘I was very proud to receive a letter of thanks as one of the MPs who gave the Trust support. I made a commitment in my maiden speech in 2001 that I would campaign for all people with disabilities and their carers.’





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