Press Release

Rail Electrification Disappointment

1st March 2011

Aberavon MP Dr Hywel Francis has expressed his disappointment that rail electrification of the Great Western Main Line has been denied to his constituency of Port Talbot and onto Swansea.

Dr Francis said,

‘Whilst the Conservative Government’s announcement that the rail electrification of the Great Western Main Line to Cardiff is to be welcomed as well as the possibility for many Valley lines, it is regrettable that the last Labour Government’s commitment for this to include the mainline to Swansea via Port Talbot has not been fulfilled.’

Dr Francis added,

‘I wish to place on record my congratulations to my Parliamentary colleague Sian James Labour MP for Swansea East who has led a valiant campaign for the rail electrification of the mainline to Swansea. We will continue to campaign with Labour MPs from South West Wales to achieve this objective.’



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